Heavenly Shift / Isteni műszak (Hungary, 2013)

directed by Márk Bodzsár, black comedy, 100 min, eng subtitles
written by Márk Bodzsár
with András Ötvös, Roland Rába, Tamás Keresztes, Sándor Zsótér

Heavenly Shift uses dark humour to tell the story of a young paramedic who gets introduced to the night life and to the cruel, but eternal truth: death does not choose, man does.
Milán, half Serbian, half Hungarian, deserts from Croatian army in 1992, the second year of the Yugoslav war, and flees to Hungary. He gets a job with the Hungarian paramedics, where he lives through the euphoric moments of lifesaving, but also recognises innumerable faces of death.
It is a cold shower for the young enthusiastic and conscientious EMS assistant when he realises that his companions make a selection from the patients. While they are saving lives, sometimes they allow old or fatally injured to die. Milán soon discovers that there is a business side to the illegal euthanasia that takes place in the back of their ambulance.

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