Flying Blind (United Kingdom, 2012)

directed by Katarzyna Klimkiewicz, drama, 88 min, eng subtitles
written by Caroline Harrington, Naomi Wallace, Bruce McLeod
with Helen McCrory, Najib Oudghiri, Kenneth Cranham

Frankie is a successful aerospace engineer who designs drones for the British army. One day she meets Kahil, a French-Algerian student. They embark on a passionate affair and for the first time in her life Frankie utterly, thrillingly, loses control. One morning at work, she's interrogated by the security services and finds out that Kahil may not be quite what he seems. Her predictable and safe life turns into a nightmare world of suspicion and accusation. Realizing how little she knows of this man, Frankie resolves to find out the truth whatever the cost.
Flying Blind is the first feature film by young Polish director Katarzyna Klimkiewicz, whose short film, Hanoi-Warsaw, won the 2010 European Film Award for Best Short.

Bath Film Festival 2012 (Audience Award)
Koszalin Debut Film Festival2013 (Grand Prix, Journalist Award, Best Director)