Short feature films marathon (II)

240 min, eng subtitles

Pride/Чест by Pavel G. Vesnakov (BG/DE 2013, 30 min) web
A man of habit confronts a world of transition in his own kitchen.
Pride completes the short film trilogy by Pvalel G. Vesnakov, which also includes Trains (CinEast 2012) and The Paraffin Prince. Each film in the trilogy explores the lack of authentic dialogue between generations in contemporary society. Manol - a retired general, a loving grandfather - is a patriarch of firm morals and fixed beliefs, which he has upheld in his household. But on this day he learns that the boy he raised is gay. The life choices of his loved ones challenge Manol's values in a battle he has lost by default.

At Home /Kod kuće by Nenad Mikalački (RS 2011, 19 min)
An elderly lady goes from Germany to Eastern Europe to find and visit the house of her childhood. Meanwhile, two deported boys, now back in Serbia, are trying to survive in totally different living conditions. They say that they can help her find the house she is looking for...

Soft Rain/ Lágy Eső by Dénes Nagy (HU 2013, 28 min) web trailer
In a village in East Hungary, Dani, an adolescent boy, grown up in an orphanage, falls in love with his classmate. He is trying to get close to her with an obscene and grotesque way of behavior. He doesn't understand the rules of this game of love, such knowledge has never been taught him.

My Guide/Újratervezés by Barnabás Tóth (HU 2013, 12 min)
Elderly couple in the trafic. The wife chitchats, warns, controls. She is a policeman, a GPS and a commentator at the same time. The husband growls or bursts out. This is how their world works. But life is a constant replanning...

Column/Kolona by Ujkan Hysaj (KV 2012, 22 min) trailer
War.Kosovo 1999. During a refugee line is halted at a Serbian checkpoint where the Serb paramilitary take out off the car of Adem his son and his brother's son to shoot them down. Adem attempts to buy out their lives, however since he is not able to pay for both of them, he finds himself in situation that he has to choose: to save his son or his brother's son.

The Ditch/Sanțul by Adrian Silișteanu (RO 2012, 18 min) web trailer
Vasile has to finish a ditch in front of his house and he finds Petre, a Gypsy young man, to help him. Learning that none of the villagers wants to baptize Petre's kid, Vasile decides to be the Godfather. His wife doesn't agree and a tough fight starts between them.
Film kindly provided by NexT festival.

Amelia by Blaž Završnik (SI 2012, 19 min) web trailer
A romanian teen joins organized beggars on a trail for a better life, but when the group starts their vagrant journey in Slovenia, she struggles whether or not to accept the questionable rules of the game.

To guard a Mountain / Å vokte fjellet by Izer Aliu (MK/NO 2012, 25 min) web
The only yearning 12-year-old Isa has is for his father to perceive him as a man - and men don't cry. When Isa looses one of the poor familiy's sheep, he and his little brother Hamid, must obey their father's order and get the sheep back. On the top of the mountain Hamid becomes life-threatening hurt and Isa finds himself in a dilemma: Should he be a man and abide by his father's order, or should he get his little brother down from the mountain as soon as he can?