Gods / Bogowie
Poland 2014

Info Trailer

directed by £ukasz Palkowski, biography, drama, 112 min, eng subtitles written by Krzysztof Rak
with Tomasz Kot, Piotr G³owacki, Magdalena Czerwiñska, Kinga Preis

Monday 12.10.2015 - 21.00, Ciné Utopia
Sunday 25.10.2015 - 18.30, Neimënster (Salle Krieps)

Zbigniew Religa is a young ambitious doctor who has just come back from a traineeship in the US. Back home, he intends to apply the latest world improvements in transplantology, but is blocked by restrictions in the People’s Republic of Poland. The old ward heads do not allow their younger colleagues to operate, while the hospital authorities ban any innovations. Even when Religa opens his own clinic and gains some independence, he does not escape the same problems – the communist government declines funding for the equipment and medicine becomes the victim of politics. The uncompromising doctor – taking the medical establishment by storm and creating his own rules – pays a high price for his dreams and ambitions.

The ‘Gods’ of the title are three Polish heart surgeons who, under the leadership of maverick Dr Zbigniew Religa, performed the first heart transplants in Poland in the mid-80s. The real Dr Zbigniew Religa (1938-2009) went into politics, ran for president and was the Polish Minister for Health between 2005 and 2007.



Gdynia FF 2014 (Best Movie, Best Actor, Best Script)

Polish Film Awards, ‘Eagles’, 2015 (Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Audience Award, Best Supporting Actor)

Zbigniew Religa est un jeune médecin ambitieux qui, à son retour en Pologne, souhaite mettre en pratique les toutes dernières techniques de transplantation qu’il a apprises aux Etats-Unis. Il se heurte à la vieille garde du pays et se voit refuser l’accès au bloc opératoire. Religa aura beau ouvrir sa propre clinique et gagner une certaine indépendance, il restera toujours en butte avec le régime communiste.

Parce qu’il bouleverse le système médical en place et qu’il édicte ses propres règles, le médecin devra payer le prix fort pour réaliser ses rêves et assouvir ses ambitions.

Le titre du film se réfère aux trois chirurgiens cardiaques polonais qui, sous la direction du Dr Zbigniew Religa, ont réalisé la première transplantation cardiaque en Pologne au milieu des années 80. Le Dr. Zbigniew Religa (1938-2009) est entré en politique, s’est porté candidat à la présidentielle et a été ministre de la santé entre 2005 et 2007.



Gdynia FF 2014 (Best Movie, Best Actor, Best Script)

Polish Film Awards, ‘Eagles’, 2015 (Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Audience Award, Best Supporting Actor)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8SORaXCtUU http://watchoutproductions.pl/en/#!portfolio/gods http://cineuropa.org/f.aspx?t=film&l=en&did=263819