For Those Who Can Tell No Tales
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Quatar, Germany 2013

Info Trailer

directed by Jasmila Žbaniæ, drama, 75 min, eng subtitles written by Zoran Solomun, Kym Vercoe, Jasmila Žbaniæ
with Kym Vercoe, Jasna Djurièiæ, Simon McBurney, Leon Luèev

The film is based on the true story of Kym Vercoe who plays herself in the film. At her friend’s suggestion, she decided to visit Bosnia as a tourist. She was going to a country which had emerged from a war fifteen years earlier, and she did her best to find out as much as she could before going there. Her journey took her to Višegrad, a seemingly idyllic town on the border of Bosnia and Serbia. She saw no traces of demolition and no memorials and she thought to herself: here’s a town which luckily escaped the destruction. After a sleepless night in a hotel recommended by her guidebook, she slowly begins to unravel the real history of the place... Kym turned her experience into a theatre play called Seven Kilometres North-East. When the Bosnian film-maker Jasmila Žbaniæ saw Kym’s play on DVD, she immediately contacted Kym with a proposal to make a film about it. This film is the result.

Karlovy Vary IFF 2013 (Audience Award)

With the support of  europeancommission_small.jpgeu-large_visual_pos_cla_3df_small.jpg

L’histoire vraie de Kym, une touriste australienne qui décide de se rendre en Bosnie. Son guide l'amène à Višegrad, une petite ville historique à la frontière de la Bosnie et de la Serbie. Après une nuit d'insomnie dans le « romantique » hôtel Vilina Vlas, Kym découvre ce qui s'y est passé pendant la guerre. Elle ne peut plus être une touriste ordinaire et sa vie ne sera plus jamais la même. Kym a écrit une pièce de théâtre sur le sujet, qui a inspiré la réalisatrice bosniaque Jasmila Žbaniæ de l’adapter pour le cinéma. Kym joue son propre rôle dans le film.

Karlovy Vary IFF 2013 (Audience Award)

Avec le soutien de  europeancommission_small.jpgeu-large_visual_pos_cla_3df_small.jpg