The Cleaner / Čistič
Slovakia 2015

Info Trailer

directed by Peter Bebjak, drama, 100 min, eng subtitles written by Peter Bebjak, Peter Gašparík
with Noël Czucor, Rebeka Poláková, Kamil Kollárik

Tuesday 20.10.2015 - 18:30, Ciné Utopia
Wednesday 21.10.2015 - 21:00, Ciné Utopia

Tomáš is a young, not very sociable man with difficult past. He works as a funeral service cleaner. He tells the psychiatrist, who he is obliged to see, that he sometimes goes out for a beer with colleagues, but, in reality, he is closest to his neighbours, whose conversations he hears through the bathroom ventilation shaft. Regular telephone calls with his mother always contain the same questions and answers. The stereotype of his days is suddenly disrupted when the people who live in the flat he is cleaning return unexpectedly, so he panics and hides. Unnoticed, he observes the family life of strangers, which is a world away from his. Watching other people’s lives becomes a hobby that becomes a passion when he falls in love. ..

The Cleaner is a film about problems in interpersonal communication taking place in nowadays Bratislava. It is about how strongly events from our childhood can influence us and how hard it is for us to cope with them.

(world premiere on 15/10)

Tomáš, agent de nettoyage aux pompes funèbres, aspire à avoir une vie sociale. Pour se sentir moins seul, il se met à épier des gens dans leur vie privée. Ce passe-temps se transforme en passion lorsqu’il tombe amoureux.

« The Cleaner » aborde les problèmes de communication à Bratislava aujourd’hui. Il montre comment des événements survenus dans notre enfance ont pu nous marquer à vie.

(première mondiale le 15/10)