Home Care / Domácí péèe
Czech Republic, Slovakia 2015

Info Trailer

directed by Slávek Horák, comedy, drama, 92 min, eng subtitles written by Slávek Horák
with Alena Mihulová, Boleslav Polívka, Tatiana Vilhelmová, Zuzana Kronerová

Friday 9.10.2015 - 20.00, CineAriston
Friday 16.10.2015 - 20.30, Cinématheque

Dedicated community nurse Vlasta attends to her whimsical patients in the South Moravian countryside. But when she learns that she needs some help herself, she has to look for it outside her comfort zone. Through the daughter of one of her patients and her esoteric mentor, she starts to discover the realm of alternative healing, thanks to which she also begins to discover herself, perhaps... All this is frowned upon by her husband Láïa, who doesn't believe in ‘all that nonsense’ one bit. So Vlasta has to fight both her illness and her husband's ‘common sense’. Comedy and drama intertwine as Vlasta realises - for the first time in her life - that she needs care too... This fresh film debut by director Slávek Horák premiered in the main competition of Karlovy Vary IFF in July 2015.

Karlovy Vary IFF 2015 (Best Actress)
Czech candidate for Oscar

With the support of the association Amitiés tchèque et slovaque

Vlasta, infirmière, donne des soins à domicile à ses patients capricieux dans la campagne du sud de la Moravie. Sa vie bien réglée change brutalement lorsqu’elle découvre qu’elle a elle-même besoin d’aide. Grâce à la fille d’un de ses patients et de son guide ésotérique, elle commence à explorer les soins alternatifs et se redécouvre après de longues années d’oubli. Un premier film frais et amusant… sur la mort.

Karlovy Vary IFF 2015 (Meilleure actrice)
Candidat tchèque aux Oscars

Avec le soutien de l'association Amitiés tchèque et slovaque

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdP5dEndQkI#t=38 http://filmcenter.cz/en/film/detail/2203-home-care http://www.cineuropa.org/ff.aspx?t=ffocus&l=en&did=295225 http://domaci-pece-film.cz/#home http://cineuropa.org/ff.aspx?t=ffocusinterview&l=en&tid=2857&did=29522 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd7rDTJ29F8