Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic 2015

Infos Trailer

réalisé par Radu Jude, drama, historical comedy, 108 min, eng subtitles écrit par Radu Jude, Florin Lãzãrescu
avec Teodor Corban, Mihai Comanoiu, Toma Cuzin, Luminita Gheorghiu

mardi 13.10.2015 - 20.30, Cinématheque
jeudi 22.10.2015 - 18.30, Neimënster (Salle Krieps)

In 19th century Romania, Costandin (50), a policeman, and his son Ionita (15) travel through the south of the country in search of a fugitive gypsy slave. Costandin is a charismatic mixture of a funny Stalin and a somewhat more pragmatic Don Quixote. While Ionita seems to be quite the opposite: more like Dostoyevsky's ‘Idiot’, finding himself in the unfortunate situation of having to settle his inner turmoil while riding, or holding a sword or a gun. Their road winds through exotic landscapes and they meet various characters along the way. Eventually they capture the poor man on the run...

With its impressive black and white cinematography and a good dose of clever humour and sharp cynicism, this ‘Eastern’ manages to portray an authentic image of an historical period and the social situation of Roma at that time, with clear parallels with the present day. Radu Jude, a CinEast regular, was awarded the Silver Bear for Best Director for Aferim! at this year’s Berlinale.

Berlinale, 2015 (Silver Bear for Best Director)
Sofia IFF 2015 (Special Mention)
IndieLisboa 2015 (Feature Film Grand Prize)

Roumanie, 19ème siècle. Un policier et son fils enfourchent leurs chevaux pour partir à la poursuite d’un esclave gitan qui a pris la fuite. Ce western, ou plutôt cet « eastern », tourné en noir et blanc,  utilise une bonne dose d’humour et de cynisme pour dresser un portrait de la vie des Roms à cette époque et montrer les similitudes avec la vie d’aujourd’hui.

Berlinale, 2015 (Ours d'argent du meilleur réalisateur)
Sofia IFF 2015 (Mention spéciale)
IndieLisboa 2015 (Grand Prix - Meilleur film de fiction)