Fair Play
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany 2015

Info Trailer

directed by Andrea Sedláèková, drama, 100 min, fr subtitles written by Andrea Sedláèková, Irena Hejdová
with Anna Geislerová, Judit Bárdos, Roman Luknár, Eva Josefíková

Saturday 10.10.2015 - 18:30, Neimënster (Salle Krieps)
Sunday 11.10.2015 - 21:00, Ciné Utopia

Czechoslovakia, 1983. A young talented sprinter, Anna, is shortlisted for the national team and starts training to qualify for the Olympic Games. As part of her preparations, she is placed on a secret ‘medical programme’. She only finds out some months later, quite by accident, that she is being doped. Anna decides to continue training without the steroids even though her mother is worried that she won't be able to keep up with the other athletes and might not qualify for the Olympics, which she sees as the only chance for her daughter to escape from behind the Iron Curtain. The mother has to take an important decision and – unwillingly - forget all about ‘fair play’...

A film that sheds light on the state-sponsored doping of sportspeople in the ‘Eastern bloc’ and the devastating effects of totalitarian regimes on ordinary people’s lives.

Czech submission for the 2015 Oscars
Nominated for 15 Czech Lions

With the support of the Czech Embassy in Luxembourg

Prague, 1983. Anna, une athlète de haut niveau âgée de 18 ans, ignore qu’elle participe au "programme de soins spéciaux". Elle découvre par hasard quelques mois plus tard qu’elle a été dopée. Elle refuse le traitement, mais sa mère ne voit pas d’autre solution que de la doper à son insu afin qu’elle puisse participer aux Jeux olympiques et migrer de l’autre côté du rideau de fer.

Ce film, qui met en lumière le dopage des sportifs des pays du bloc de l’Est, montre les effets dévastateurs des régimes totalitaires sur la vie des gens.

Candidat tchèque aux Oscars 2015

Avec le soutien de l'Ambassade de la République tchèque au Luxembourg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxDfyw_dHOs http://www.intramovies.com/catalogue/details.php?id=576 http://negativ.cz/en/films/fair-play/ http://www.radio.cz/fr/rubrique/sport/andrea-sedlackova-dans-mon-film-le-dopage-est-un-pretexte-pour-evoquer-la-cruaute-du-regime-communiste http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0781365/?ref_=tt_ov_dr