Brothers / Bracia
Poland 2015

Info Trailer

directed by Wojciech Staroñ, documentary, 71 min, eng subtitles written by Wojciech Staroñ

Tuesday 20.10.2015 - 21.00, Ciné Utopia

After 80 years of exile two brothers come back to Poland from Kazakhstan. They aim to find their place in the new world, yet their different characters present an obstacle to this aim. One of them is a painter and a dreamer, the other one – a pragmatic engineer.  They are as different as ink and water and as inseparable as a flower from its stem. They want to rebuild their lives in spite of dramatic events fate has dealt them when their house, with several thousand paintings, burns down and one brother has put the other in a centre for elderly people. The race against time begins now. Will they be fast enough?

Locarno 2015 (Grand Prix Critics Week)


Deux frères qui ont réussi à s’évader d’un camp de travaux forcés soviétique n’arrivent pas à se séparer. L’un est un artiste rêveur ; l’autre, un scientifique pragmatique. Ils entretiennent une relation qui laisse tour à tour place à l’amour et à la haine.

Locarno 2015 (Grand Prix Semaine de la Critique)