Disco Polo
Poland 2015

Info Trailer

directed by Maciej Bochniak, comedy, 107 min, eng subtitles written by Maciej Bochniak, Mateusz Koœciukiewicz
with Dawid Ogrodnik, Piotr G³owacki, Tomasz Kot, Joanna Kulig, Aleksandra Hamka³o

Tuesday 20.10.2015 - 18.30, Neimënster (Salle Krieps)

In the crazy 90s Poland got its freedom back and the whole country dreamed the American dream. It was a time of big changes, gold fever and “everything is possible”. Tomek and Rudy are two guys from the countryside who, driven by a passion and a vision, leave their boring life to reach the top 10 of the Disco Polo music charts. Their carreer starts with concerts in the usual fire-stations and village discos, but then the band LASER opens doors all the way to a record company called Alfa. There, Tomek falls in love with a pretty, eccentric diva, called Gensonina. He becomes rich and famous and from now on all the girls are dancing just for him. But success has its price. Dollars only give a fake feeling of freedom and waking up from the American dream can be full of surprises and painful… 

“Disco Polo” is a fairytale on the verge of absurdity, somewhere between a comedy, thriller and a crazy romance. Full of Disco Polo songs and stars, it also questions the success of this music genre in Poland of the 90s.

La Pologne dans les folles années 90. Tomek et Rudy, deux jeunes de province, quittent leur vie d’ennui, poussés par leur passion et leurs rêves. Ils fondent un groupe de music et commencent à réaliser leur “rêve américain” – être dans le top 10 du Disco Polo.

https://vimeo.com/123818329 http://agorafilm.devs.com.pl/en/film/disco-polo-2/