Flotel Europa
Denmark, Serbia 2015

Info Trailer

directed by Vladimir Tomic, documentary, 70 min, eng subtitles written by Vladimir Tomic

Friday 23.10.2015 - 20.30, Neimënster (Salle Krieps)

In 1992 a wave of refugees from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina reached Denmark. With existing refugee camps completely full, the Red Cross pulled a giant ship into the canals of Copenhagen. The ship, Flotel Europa, became a temporary home for a thousand people waiting for decisions on their asylum applications. Among them was a 12 year old boy, Vladimir, who fled Sarajevo together with his mother and older brother. They spent two years in the limbo of Flotel Europa. Two decades later, Vladimir Tomic takes us on a journey of growing up on this ship filled with echoes of the war — and other things that make up an adolescence. The coming-of-age story is juxtaposed with personal VHS archive material shot by refugees who shared the “space-time vacuum” of the Flotel.

Berlinale 2015 (Forum)

En 1992, une vague de réfugiés de la guerre en Bosnie et Herzégovine arrivent au Danemark. Un bateau géant, le Flotel Europa, devient une maison temporaire pour des milliers de gens en attente d’une décision concernant leur demande d’asile. Parmi eux, Vladimir, 12 ans, qui a fuit Sarajevo avec sa mère et son grand frère. C’est l’histoire d’un garçon qui grandit sur un bateau, accompagnée d’images d’archive en VHS filmées par les réfugiés.

Berlinale 2015 (Forum)

https://vimeo.com/117721025 http://www.vladimirtomic.com/flotel-europa http://cineuropa.org/f.aspx?t=film&l=en&did=284816 http://www.vladimirtomic.com