Why Me? / De ce eu?
Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania 2015

Info Trailer

directed by Tudor Giurgiu, drama, 130 min, eng subtitles written by Tudor Giurgiu, Loredana Novak
with Emilian Oprea, Mihai Constantin, Andreea Vasile, Dan Condurache, Liviu Pintileasa

Monday 12.10.2015 - 19.00, Ciné Utopia

A young and ambitious prosecutor, Christian, is surprised to be assigned a sensitive case involving an older colleague who has been accused of corruption. A case that could have been a springboard for his career turns out to have the opposite effect. The accused asserts his innocence, but Christian’s superiors force him to bring the man to trial – even without evidence. The prosecutor’s efforts to bring truth to light leads him to discover a major conspiracy. The case is taken away from him; he is suspended and effectively silenced. The system hits back with a vengeance and pulls the rug from beneath the young man’s feet.

Sofia IFF 2015 (Best Film in the Balkan Competition) 
Berlinale 2015

Basé sur des faits réels, le film raconte l’histoire de Cristian, un jeune procureur idéaliste avec une belle carrière en perspective, qui enquête sur un collègue plus âgé accusé de corruption. Il porte sur ses épaules le poids du dilemme entre carrière et vérité. À mesure qu'il va s'enfoncer dans les méandres de cette affaire, il va être confronté à des révélations surprenantes et douloureuses.

Sofia IFF 2015 (Meilleur film de la Compétition des Balkans)
Berlinale 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq06v2PGKuo http://www.librafilm.net/film/why-me-de-ce-eu-2015 http://www.cineuropa.org/f.aspx?t=film&l=en&did=283812 http://www.cineuropa.org/it.aspx?t=interview&l=en&did=287331 http://tudorgiurgiu.ro/