Nightlife / Noèno življenje
Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM 2016

Info Trailer

directed by Damjan Kozole, drama, 85 min, eng subtitles written by Damjan Kozole, Ognjen Svilièiæ
with Pia Zemljiè, Jernej Šugman, Marko Mandiæ, Peter Musevski

Tuesday 11.10.2016 - 19.00, Ciné Utopia

One night, a high-profile attorney is found on the pavement along a main road through Ljubljana. He is barely conscious, lying in a pool of blood, and covered in dog bites. Doctors at the medical center fight to keep him alive while his wife Lea, in shock, confronts her deepest fears. During the course of this night she will break every moral standard she has stood up for in her life. Throughout the film, we learn very little about Milan and Lea, or what happened to him. There is a police investigation, and the inspector in charge only hints at what might have occurred. Far from recounting the story of specific people or events, this film is a telling example of how the legal system and the public sphere of modern European society can turn against any individual.
“This is a film about a society where fear is the driving force. It doesn’t provide any simple solutions, but it deals with how fragile our lives are and how everything is connected. It also deals with the fact that some wounds never heal. Because people are more vicious than dogs.”

Damjan Kozole

Karlovy Vary IFF 2016 (Best Director Award)
Zadar Avvantura FF 2016 (Best Director Award)
Festival of Slovenian Films Portorož 2016 (Vesna Award for the Best Director and Best Actress)


With the support of the Slovenian Embassy in Brussels

Une nuit, à Ljubljana, un grand avocat est retrouvé sur le trottoir de l'une des principales artères de la ville. Presque inconscient, il est couvert de morsures de chiens et gît dans une mare de sang. À l'hôpital, les médecins se battent pour le maintenir en vie, tandis que sa femme, en état de choc, affronte ses peurs les plus profondes. Au cours de cette nuit, elle s'affranchira de tous les principes moraux qu’elle avait défendus toute au long de sa vie.

Karlovy Vary IFF 2016 (Prix du meilleur réalisateur)
Zadar Avvantura FF 2016 (Prix du meilleur réalisateur)
Festival du film slovène Portorož 2016 (Prix Vesna pour le meilleur réalisateur et la meilleure actrice)


Avec le soutien de l'Ambassade de Slovénie à Bruxelles