The Red Spider / Czerwony Pająk
Poland, Slovakia 2015

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directed by Marcin Koszałka, thriller, 95 min, eng subtitles written by Marcin Koszałka, Łukasz M. Maciejewski
with Filip Plawiak, Adam Woronowicz, Małgorzata Foremniak, Julia Kijowska

Sunday 16.10.2016 - 18.30, Ciné Utopia

Karol is an ordinary young man, living in 1960s Krakow. Poland is under a Communist regime, times are dark and murky, and the city is empty and morose. After winning a diving tournament, Karol and his teammates go to a local funfair to celebrate his success. Karol leaves them and goes to take a piss behind one of the caravans. On his way back he discovers the body of a murdered boy, presumably the new victim of Red Spider, a terrifying serial killer prowling the streets of Krakow. Nearer the fair, Karol passes an ordinary‐looking man in his 40s, wearing a dark coat and a beret, with a leather briefcase in his hand. Karol is strangely drawn to the man, who turns out to be a Vet. He follows him and tries to get closer to this silent, mysterious man, whom he believes to be the infamous Red Spider. In the meantime Karol is approached by Danka – a slightly older photographer at the local newspaper. Tempted by love and fascinated by death, Karol will soon have to make the most important choice of his life.

Inspiré par l'histoire d'un tueur en série qui a sévi dans les années 60 à Cracovie, The Red Spider est le premier long métrage du documentariste et chef opérateur polonais reconnu Marcin Koszałka. Thriller psychologique précisément construit, le film plonge le spectateur dans une histoire complexe de la fascination pour le mal qui se cache dans des endroits où nous ne l'attendions pas.