Austria 2016

Info Trailer

directed by Siniša Vidoviæ, documentary, 87 min, eng subtitles, 16+ written by Senad Halilbašiæ

Monday 9.10.2017 - 18.30, Neimënster (Salle Krieps)

The first documentary feature by this Croatian-born director gives a unique insight into a society that is trying to come to terms with its past in a quite extraordinary way. The camera follows Renata, Stipe, Marko, Kinja, Mujaga and Neno on their journey through the world of Bosnian bullfights, the Koridas. In a Korida bullfight, bulls compete against bulls in an arena, yet no blood is shed. One might ask why hundreds and thousands of people meet throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina to cheer on these bulls. The film examines the century-old yet essentially unknown tradition of bullfighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its ability to unite nations. The main protagonists are not the fighting bulls, but the people behind them and the society that finds itself facing a period of many changes and struggling with its past and to gain a positive perspective on the future. The film offers a tough and realistic look at a country that, even after more than two decades, has not yet recovered from the impact of war. Korida is a documentary of archaic poetry, a film about the eternal interaction between humans and nature, young and old and the past, which becomes visible in the future.

Korida donne un aperçu unique d'une société qui tente de faire face à son passé d'une manière tout à fait extraordinaire. La caméra suit Renata, Stipe, Marko, Kinja, Mujaga et Neno lors de leur voyage dans le monde des corridas bosniaques, où les taureaux s’affrontent entre eux dans une arène sans qu'aucun sang ne soit versé, et tous les week-ends, des milliers de personnes dans toute la Bosnie-Herzégovine viennent les encourager. Korida examine cette tradition centenaire mais méconnue, et sa capacité à unir les gens d'origines ethniques diverses. Les principaux protagonistes ne sont donc pas les taureaux, mais la société qui se trouve face à une période de changements et lutte contre son passé pour un meilleur avenir. Le film offre un regard à la fois dur et réaliste sur un pays qui, même après plus de deux décennies, ne s'est pas encore rétabli du choc de la guerre.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tNtPQn9mUc http://www.korida-film.com/ http://www.goldengirls.at/finished-films/ http://www.austrianfilms.com/news/en/bodythe_korida_operators_were_the_first_people_to_reach_out_to_one_another_after_the_warbody